


This plugin can be compared with a common "For Each" loop.


Line in File: will step through all lines in the specified file. The data of each line will be returned in <ForEachValue>
Part in String: will step through a string where the different parts of the string are separated by the "Separator String". Each part is returned in <ForEachValue>
Record in Recordset : will step through all records in the specified recordset (handle). The contents of the specified column will be returned in <ForEachValue>
Worksheet in Workbook : will step through all worksheets in the specified excel workbook. The worksheet name will be returned in <ForEachValue>
File in Directory : will step through all files in the specified directory (optionally including subdirectories). The full filename will be returned in <ForEachValue>
Directory in Directory : will step through all directories in the specified directory (optionally including subdirectories). The full directory name will be returned in <ForEachValue>

For Each

Line In File: step through all lines in a file. For each line the configured action will be executed and the line-data is returned in <ForEachValue>
Part In String: step through all lines in a file. For each line the configured action will be executed and the line-data is returned in <ForEachValue>
Record In Recordset: step through all lines in a file. For each line the configured action will be executed and the line-data is returned in <ForEachValue>
Worksheet in Workbook: step through all worksheets in a excel workbook. For each worksheet the configured action will be executed and the worksheet-name is returned in <ForEachValue>
File in Directory: step through all files in the configured directory
Directory in Directory: step through all directories in the configured directory

Line In File
The file from which all lines will be read.
Ignore Empty Lines
If enabled, all lines that are empty will be ignored (no action will be performed).
Skip First Line
If enabled, the first line of the file will be skipped.
Ignore Lines Starting with
A list of characters. All lines that start with one of these characters will be skipped.
Part In String
The string which will be separated in parts.
Separator String
String to use as separator.

string: data1@data2@name@1234
separator: @

"string" will be separated by the @ sign, resulting in "data1" and "data2" and "name" and "1234"
Record In Recordset
The of the handle/recordset which contains the data you want to step through.
The name of the column of which the contents will be stored in <ForEachValue> in each step.
Worksheet in Workbook
Excel Workbook
Excel file.
File in Directory
Note: The file that is currently being processed by ForEach is placed in the internal filelist buffer. This means that variables like <ScanPathFileName>, etc. can be used!
The directory to scan for files.
DOS Filter
The DOS filter to apply to the filenames.
Include Subdirectories
When checked, subdirectories will also be scanned.
Directory in Directory
Note: The directory that is currently being processed by ForEach is placed in the internal filelist buffer. This means that variables like <ScanPathFileName>, etc. can be used!
The directory to scan for files.
Include Subdirectories
When checked, subdirectories will also be scanned.
Execute For Each Step
Run Workflow
Run the configured workflow. Checking "Commands Only" will run the workflow with all the runtime properties of the current workflow. When "Commands Only" is not checked, the specified workflow will be run entirely, including the scanning and processing of the contents of the specified "hotfolder" of that workflow (if the workflow is a hotfolder workflow). When the workflow is finished executing the current workflow will resume.
Run Plugin
Run the configured plugin.
Run Script
Run the configured script.


Release notes