

Execute a shell command . Optionally the daemon can wait for the command to end and can also capture its STDOUT messages.
The command to execute.
The context in which the program must be run. Possible options are;
Normal, Hide, Maximize, Minimize
Wait For Program To End
The time in seconds the daemon will wait for the program to be finished before it will try to terminate the program and continue with the workflow. A value of 0 means the WorkflowScript will wait indefinately.
Terminate on Timeout
When checked, the program will automatically be terminated when the "Timeout" period has been reached.
Set Error on Timeout
When checked the errorflag will be set when a timeout occurs (which will trigger the ErrorAction command).
Use exit-code for Errorflag
When checked, the exit-code of the program will be used to set the workflow errorflag (which will trigger the ErrorAction command). Any exit-code other then 0 will set the errorflag.
Show STDOUT Messages
When checked, the standard-out messages which the program outputs during runtime will be displayed in the log.
Capture STDOUT to variable
When checked, the standard-out messages which the program outputs during runtime will be saved to the configured variable.


Release notes