Add |
Add's the two specified values. |
CheckDigit |
Special bank function. |
CreateHash |
Creates a hash string |
DateAdd |
the specified number of the specified interval to the specified date.
y |
year |
w |
weekday |
q |
quarter |
ww |
week-of-year |
M |
month |
h |
hour |
h=12hr format, H=24hr format |
d |
day-of-month |
m |
minute |
dd |
day-of-year |
s |
second |
DateTimeDiff |
Returns the difference of the two specifed dates in the specified format (interval). |
DateTimeFormat |
the specified date/time string to the specified format. (uses same
interval options as DateAdd)
Date/Time : 01-12-03
Format : dd-MMM-yyyy
Result : 01-dec-2003 |
DaysInMonth |
Returns the number of days in a month. |
DirectoryGetCreationTime |
Returns the creation timestamp of the specified directory. |
DirectoryGetLastAccessTime |
DirectoryGetLastWriteTime |
Returns the last-accessed timestamp of the specified directory. |
Divide |
Divides the two specified values. |
ExtractStringFromFile |
Extracts a string from a file. |
FileGetCreationTime |
Returns the creation timestamp of the specified filename. |
FileGetLastAccessTime |
Returns the last-accessed timestamp of the specified filename. |
FileGetLastWriteTime |
Returns the last-write-time timestamp of the specified filename. |
FindString |
Searches the specified string for the specified substring and puts the position where the substring was found into the variable. |
GetComputerName |
Returns the computername. |
GetDefaultPrinter |
Returns the default-printer. |
GetDirectoryNumFiles |
Returns the number of files in the specified directory that match the specified filter. Optionally subdirectories can be included by specifying "1" in the "Option" field. |
GetDriveFormat |
Returns the format (NTFS/FAT32/...) of the specified drive. |
GetDriveFreeSpace |
Returns the free space of the specified drive in Bytes, KB, MB or GB. |
GetDriveTotalSpace |
Returns the total space of the specified drive in Bytes, KB, MB or GB |
GetDriveType |
Returns the type of th specified drive (fixed/removable) |
GetDriveUsedSpace |
Returns the used space of the specified drive in Bytes, KB, MB or GB |
GetEnvironVariable |
Reads the specified environment-variable. |
GetExcelSheetCellValue |
Returns the value of the configured cell in the configured worksheet of the configured Excel workbook (requires Microsoft Excel). |
GetFileContent |
Reads the entire content of the specified file. |
GetFileLine |
Reads the specified line-number from the specified file. |
GetFileSize |
Returns the size of a file in bytes. |
GetFileTotalLines |
Get's the total number of lines of the specified file. |
GetImageResolutionX |
Returns the horizontal resolution of an image file. |
GetImageResolutionY |
Returns the vertical resolution of an image file. |
GetPDFPageCount |
Retrieves the total number of pages of a PDF-file. |
GetPhysicalMemoryAvailable |
Returns the available physical memory. |
GetPhysicalMemoryTotal |
Returns the total amount of physical memory. |
GetPSInfo |
the specified file for the specified Postscript string and puts the
contents of the Postscript variable into the specified variable.
sample: %Title:Document1 |
GetSystemDecimalSign |
Returns the decimal sign of the system. |
GetTempDirectory |
Returns the temp-directory. |
GetUptimeMinutes |
Returns the system-uptime in minutes. |
GetUserName |
Returns the current username. |
GetVirtualMemoryAvailable |
Returns the available virtual memory. |
GetVirtualMemoryTotal |
Returns the total amount of virtual memory. |
GetXPathData |
Returns the result of an XPath query. |
InitVariable |
Sets the variable to the specified value. |
Int |
Makes an integer of the specified value. |
LastDayInMonth |
Returns the last day of the specified month. |
LowerCase |
Converts the specified string to lowercase. |
Multiply |
Multiplies the two specified values. |
PadLeft |
Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters by padding them on the left with the specified character, for a specified total length. |
PadRight |
Returns a new string of a specified length in which the end of the string is padded with the specified character. |
RandomGUID |
Returns a random GUID. |
RandomKey |
a string of the specified length, created of random characters.
a=a-z, A=A-Z, 0=0-9, S=special chars (any combination is possible,
example: aA0) |
RegExpReplace |
Regular-expression Replace: Replace the matched substrings by the specified replacement-string. |
RegExpReplaceGroup |
Replace: places multiple substrings into multiple variables in one
Requires a number of numbered User-Defined varibales, like <UserVar1>,
<UserVar2> etc.. The first replace string ($1 or any other $n)
will be placed into the first User-Defined Variable <UserVar1>.
The second replace string ($2 or any other $n) will be placed in the
second UserVar....etc... |
RegExpTest |
Regular-expression Test: match a string to a regular-expression and put the result (if it matches:1, if it doesn't match:0) into the specified variable. |
ReplaceChar |
Searches the specified string for one or more characters and replaces them with the specified string. |
ReplaceSpace |
Replaces all spaces that the specified string contains with the specified replace-string. |
ReplaceString |
Replaces all "search string" by "replace string" in the specified string. |
StringLength |
Retrieves the length of the specified string. |
StripChar |
Removes all specified characters from the specified string. |
SubString |
Sets the variable to the substring of the specified string. |
Subtract |
Subtract's the two specified values. |
TrimString |
Removes all leading and trailing spaces from the specified string. |
UpperCase |
Converts the specified string to uppercase. |