


Download a file from an s(ftp)s server using the <FtpQuickDownload> key.

This variable is set by the FTP-trigger when the option "Behave as Hotfolder Trigger" is enabled in the FTP-Trigger.

The <FtpQuickDownload> variable is set by the FTP-Trigger and contains all information necessary to download the file (including servername, login information, security-settings, etc.).

NOTE1: missing directories of "Destination file" will automatically be created.

NOTE2: requires "FTP" pluginpack license for normal ftp-download and "SecureFTP" pluginpack license for secure ftp-download (sftp/ftps).

QuickDownload key
Encrypted string (created by FTP-Trigger) that contains the required information to download the file.
Destination file
The file to which the remote file must be downloaded to.
If enabled, will overwrite the local file in case it already exists.
Delete sourcefile
If enabled, will delete the file on the ftp-server after it has been downloaded.
Remove Empty Directories
If enabled , empty directories will automatically be removed (only directories from which files are downloaded).
Transfer Mode
Ascii or Image.


Release notes