


Will determine which of the configured directories contains the least number of files, contains the least total used filesize or just cycle the directories. Can be used as a load-balancing mechamism to distribute files over multiple directories.
Optionally the Smart Host Detection option (only works on TCP/IP networks) can be used to quickly determine if a directory is unreachable (if its a share on another computer) and unreachable directories can be excluded for a specific time to limit timeloss in determining the directory.
Distribution Criterium
Number of files
The directory which contains the least number of files will be selected. If there is more then one directory which matches the distribution criteria, every time a different one will be selected.
Total filesize
The directory which contains the least total filesize will be selected. If there is more then one directory which matches the distribution criteria, every time a different one will be selected.
When enabled, each time the plugin is executed the next directory will be selected.
Smart Host Detection
When enabled, if the directory is a share on another computer this hostname will first be queried to quickly determine if it's reachable. This method is much faster then a normal network-timeout when trying to access an unreachable share.
Exclude unreachable directories
When enabled, the selected directory will not be used for the specified time if it's unreachable. This will reduce the runtime of FileDistributor in case a directory is unreachable for a longer period of time.
Directory 1 - 10
The directories that will be scanned to determine which one meets the configured criterium.
Include Subdirectories
When enabled, the directories will be scanned including their subdirectories.
Save Rating to Variable
When enabled, will save the rating (number of files/total filesize) to the configured variable.
Save Directory in Variable
When enabled, the selected directory will be saved to the configured variable.
Move File to Directory
When enabled, the configured file will be moved to the selected directory.


Release notes