


Output the contents of the recordset which is referenced by "Source Handle" to a textfile, spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, XML or JSON file.

The "Internal Translation Table" is used to perform character-translation on the source-data before it is output to the file. The combobox contains a list of tables which are available in the INTERNAL-database. The structure of a "Translation Table" has to be as follows;

Column-type Description
Integer Order in which the translation will take place
yes/no enable or disable record
Memo The string in the source-data that must be translated to outString
Memo The replacement-string
Text Optional description-field

Use [Chr(nnn)] to specify specific ascii-codes and [CrLf] for carriage-return-linefeed.

Source Handle
Name of the handle which references the desired source-recordset.
Internal Conversion Table
The name of the table that is to be used to apply character-translation during the output of the data from the recordset to the file.
Fixed Length
When checked, all fields will be exported with a fixed length. If the field is not configured in the "Forced Fixed-length list" then the original field-length of the source-field will be used. The space-character is used as padding.
Add Column Names
When checked, the first line will contain the column-names of the recordset.
Add Record Number
When checked, the first column will contain the record-number.
Auto Create Directories
When checked, missing directories will automatically be created.
Forced Fixed-length List
In this list field (column)names can be configured together with the type and the length of the output.
fielname:name of the field
type: s=string-value, n=numerical value (string-value will be "left-aligned" and numerical-value will be "right-aligned")
length: the fixed-length of the output-data (padded with spaces).
rsOutput2File - Textfile
Output Textfile
Name of the output textfile.
Create New File
When checked, a new outputfile will be created, overwriting the old file.
Column Delimiter
The character that will be used as a delimiter when writing the data to the file.
example: field1,field2,field3 (delimiter is ,)
String to write as a header to the file.
End of Record
String to use at the end of each record (example: <CrLf>).
String to write as a footer to the file.
End of File
String to write at the end of the file.
The encoding of the outputfile.
rsOutput2File - Spreadsheet
Output file
Name of the output file.
The name of the worksheet.
rsOutput2File - Microsoft Excel
Output Excelfile
Name of the output excel file.
The named of the desired worksheet.
Update Existing Workbook
When checked, will update the existing workbook (not create a new excel file).
Create Worksheet
When checked, will create the specified worksheet in the selected workbook.
Clear Cells Only
When checked, will only clear the selected cell-range.
Start Cell / Start Row
Cell-range which will be updated with the data referenced by [handle].
Cell Type

Sets the cell-type of the cells that will be updated.

Valid options:

normal (unchanged)
data will be displayed as a hyperlink (web or email)
note: "http://" and/or "mailto:" must be included in the data

the plugin will autodetect if the data is "normal" or a hyperlink
note: "http://" and/or "mailto:" must be included in the data

save value to cell "as-is", without changing the numberformat
adjust the numberformat of the cell based on the detected datatype of the value

adjust the numberformat of the cell based on the datatype of the recordset column


adjust the numberformat of the cell based on the numberformat of the worksheet cell (can only be used in combination with "Update Existing Workbook")

Clear Cells
Cell-range which will be cleared.
rsOutput2File - Microsoft Word
Output Wordfile
Name of the output word file.
Portrait / Landscape
Make document in portrait or landscape.
Column Delimiter
The character that will be used as a delimiter when writing the data to the file.
example: field1,field2,field3 (delimiter is ,)
String to write as a header to the file.
End of Record
String to use at the end of each record (example: <CrLf>).
String to write as a footer to the file.
End of File
String to write at the end of the file.
rsOutput2File - XML
XML output file
Name of the XML output file.
Include inline XSD schema...
If enabled, the XSD schema will be included in the XML file.
Use SQLserver XML
If enabled, the built-in XML exporter of the SQLserver driver will be used.
Format XML
If enabled, will format the XML into a visually "pleasing" format.
The encoding used for the XML file.
XSD schema output file
Optional filename for the XSD schema.
rsOutput2File - JSON
JSON output file
Name of the JSON output file.
The encoding used for the XML file.
Save JSON to variable
Optional. Saves the JSON string to the configured variable.


Release notes