

Active Directory::ADmodifyContact


Modify a Contact on an Active Directory domain.

The main installation directory should contain a file named "ActiveDirectoryContact.Config" which contains the Active Directory propery-values that can be used by the plugin. Each line contains one property and has the following format:


{group} is the group to which the property belongs (for sorting purposes only)
{description} is the description of the property
{propertyname} is the actual exact name of the Active Directory property that must be set
{value} is the value the property should be set to

Active Directory - ADmodifyContact

The fully qualified Active Directory domain name. If "Local Machine" is checked this will be set to "RootDSE" which specified the domain the local machine is a member of.

Windows 2008: compatible with windows 2003/2008 servers
Windows 2012: compatible with windows 2012 servers

Optional. The username to use to connect with the server.
Optional. The password to use to connect with the server.
Contact name
The full name name of the contact that must be created. Note that this MUST be preceded by "CN="
Organizational unit
Optional value which specifies the Organizational Unit which contains the specified account. If left empty the account will be created in the default "Users".
Active Directory Properties
Load Property List
Loads the properties from the "ActiveDirectoryCreateContact.Config" file. Properties that are already in the list will not be overwritten/reset by the properties that are loaded from the file.
Cleanup List
All rows of which the "Value" column is empty will be removed from the list.
Note that if you want to clear a property-value, this property should remain in the list with an empty "Value".
Group Membership
Make contact member of groups
Make the contact a member of the configured groups. Specify the complete path of the group.
CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users
CN=Demo Group,OU=Sales Department
Remove contact from groups
Remove the contact from the configured groups. Specify the complete path of the group.
CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users
CN=Demo Group,OU=Sales Department


Release notes