
Background Logging

Background Logging

When "Background Logging" is enabled, all logging is written to file by a background-thread. (Background logging can be enabled/disabled per daemon)

This means that workflows are not delayed by the logging proces; all logging is pushed to a queue which is processed by the background thread. The result is a significant performance increase.

You can also configure a buffersize, which determines how many log-lines the log-queue may contain before it is being flushed. When the log-queue is flushed, the processing of the daemon is temporarily halted, so no more logging is send to the queue. When all logging inside the queue has been written to the logfiles, the daemon will resume processing. Whenever the log-queue is being flushed you will get a message in the System.log..


- workflows are executed much faster


- viewing the logging in the "Monitor" may not be realtime
- depending on how busy the daemon is, the log-queue may need to be flushed from time to time, causing the daemon to temporarily halt processing

In general it is advised to always have background-logging enabled to get the best performance. Only when you see the log-queue is being flushed very often you might consider disabling background-logging.



Release notes