

On the Configuration tab you can configure a number of global Integration Tool settings.

Shared Variables
The description of the daemon. This description will also automatically be used as the description of the daemon service.
Backup Directory
The directory to which the backups will be saved.
Enable AutoBackup
When checked, each time a daemon configuration is saved, the complete set of configuration files (ini's) is saved to the specified backup directory. This backup directory will contain a history of previous saves where the number of backups is determined by the "Keep n generations" setting; the oldest backup will be removed and overwritten by the one before etc.

Backup's can be protected from deletion by using the "Manage Backups" option in the "File" menu.
Keep n Generations
This setting determines how many generations of backup configurations are saved in the backup-directory.
Version Info
Version number which is stored inside each daemon configuration file (inifile). Each time the configurations is saved (and there were changes) the "revision" number will automatically be increased. Click "x" to reset the revision-field to zero.
The version number is displayed in the bottom statusbar of the Configuration Manager and during Daemon-startup.
Each Daemon configuration has it's own version.
Mail Server Configuration
Here you can configure an SMTP mailserver. These settings will be automatically used by the "SendMail" plugin which means you won't need to configure the outgoing mailserver settings each time you use the "SendMail" plugin (as opposed to using SMTPmail).
Log to Disk
Enable disk-logging. Integration Tool keeps a separate log for all workflows, a system.log and and all.log which contains all log-messages. The logfiles are automatically stored in a {instance}\{yyyy}\{mm}\{dd}\{logfile} structure except all.log which is stored in {instance}.
Log Directory
The directory in which the logfiles will be saved. If the directory does not exist, it will automatically be created.
Background Logging
When enabled, all logging is done by a background-thread which improves performance.
Debug Logging
Used to configure the desired debug-logging.
Plugin Internal Logging
Checking this option will enable the built-in internal logging of the Integration Tool functions and plugins. The standard plugins all have built-in logging to "tell" what they are doing.

Typically this option is checked. If you don't want internal logging, but only want to use your own logging, uncheck this option. 
Verbose Logging
When Verbose Logging is enabled more information will be logged for each workflow and command that is being executed.
Log Warnings to WEB monitor
When checked, all "warnings" will also be logged to the WEB monitor.
Log Errors to WEB monitor
When checked, all "errors" will also be logged to the WEB monitor.
Advanced - Interface
Hide Unregistered Plugins Don't show unregistered plugins in the "Command Library". Otherwise unregistered plugins will be shown in red.
Show Plugin-Identifiers
Appends a unique number to the command-names in the workflow-script, making them easier to identify.
Workflow Validation Validate all workflows everytime the configuration is being saved. If workflows/commands are detected with invalid options a warning will be given. Invalid options can be forking to non-existent workflows or using non-existing variables.
Autosize Workflow Column If enabled, the workflowlist will automatically be sized to fit the available width.
Show Servicestatus on Daemon Tabs If enabled, the (runtime) status of the daemons is represented by the color of the tabs used to switch between the Daemon configurations.
Show Trigger-active Status If enabled, whenever a workflow-trigger is active this will be shown using a different color on the daemon-tabs.
Workflowlist Gridlines
Configures if and which gridlines are shown in the workflowlist.
Workflowlist Groups
Configures how workflowlist groups behave on a "Reload".
Main Font
Configures the font that is used for a number of controls in the user-interface.
Workflowlist colors
Configures the colors for workflowlist.
Whole row same color
If checked, the whole row in the workflowlist will have the same color, not just the column that contains the workflow name.
Advanced - Runtime
Process ReadOnly Files
Enables Integration Tool to process read-only files (from CDROM for instance) which would normally be considered "not stable".
Show "...not stable" messages
When a file is found in a hotfolder Workflow and the file is not "stable", a message will be shown in the LogWindow saying the file is not stable. Unchecking this option will hide these messages.
Disable all.log
Disable logging to "all.log".
Filter Regular-Expressions are NOT case-sensitive
When checked, the "Filter" and "Reject" settings in HotFolder properties are not case-sensitive.
Automatic Crash Recovery
Automatically restart the daemon service when a critical error is encountered during execution. Beside certain builtin critical errors upon which an automatic restart is executed it's also possible to configure your own triggers to trigger a restart. These triggers can be configured in "Configuration\Lists\ACR Trigger List". Every entry is a regular-expression that is applied against the daemon logging. If a match is found, the daemon will be restarted.
Enable Pairing
Enable and configure the pairing system. See pairing for more information.
Daemon Monitor Thread
The "Daemon Monitor Thread" is a separate process thread in the Daemons which monitors if the Daemon is still "alive". Everytime the Daemon executes a command a monitor-flag is reset. If the monitor is enabled and the flag is not reset within the time specified by "Force Restart Delay" minutes, the Daemon will be forced to shutdown and restart.

Note: If a valid command doesn't finish within the "Force Restart Delay" minutes, the Daemon will be forcefully restarted, regardless if the command that is running at the time is just taking a long time and doesn't really have a problem. Use with care!
Plugin Objects Late Binding
If enabled , the plugin-dll's will be loaded (instanciated) each time a function in the plugin is used. When. If disabled, the plugin-dll's will be loaded once during startup.
Advanced - WebDaemon
WebDaemon Listener Address
The ip-address used for the webdaemon.
Listener Port The port the webdaemon will be listening on.
Advanced - Remote Control
Port The port the remote-control daemon will be listening on.
Validate Users Stand-alone remote-control server which can validate users that are defined on the same server.
Validation Server Validation-server that can validate uses for all servers that use this server as a "validation server".
Delegate Validation to

Points to a "Validation Server", to let the validation be handled by this validation server. Note that the actual validation is still being performed by the server itself, but the account-information from "Validation Server" is being used. If "Validation Server" is unreachable the cached accountfile from the last successful connection with "Validation Server" is used to verify users. This means that users will be able to logon even though the validation-server is (temporarily) unavailable. All accounts must be maintained on "Validation Server". Accounts can not be managed on the server itself.

File Transfer Password The password that must be used by the "SecureFileUpload" and "SecureFileDownload" plugins on other (remote) Integration Tool servers to upload/download files to this server.
Autostart Services set to "Automatic" If enabled, all Integration Tool services that are set to start "Automatic" will be started whenever the remote-control service is started.
Advanced - Syslog Daemon
Port The port the syslog daemon will be listening on.
Shared Variables
Shared Variables
Shared Variables are available to all daemons and are stored in the shared inifile.
Lists - Variable Groups
Variable Groups
Variable Groups can be used to organize your variables in different groups. The standard group is "Default" which can't be removed. When Variable Groups are used an extra submenu level will be visible in the context popup menu.
Lists - ACR Trigger List
ACR Trigger List
Contains a list of regular-expression which - if Automatic Crash Recovery is enabled - will be applied against all logging. If a match is found the daemon service will be restarted.


Release notes